Lemuel Photography
About Me
- Name: Lemuel Paul
- Location: India
I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: lemu_mcc@yahoo.co.in. Visit me at : www.geocities.com/lemu_mcc . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'
Saturday, April 28, 2007
174. Mother's Watch...
The Baby crow's mommy heared the baby's cry.. Watching over the baby from a distance... Thats the way she can watch her son learning to know the world.
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Shutter speed: 1/160s
Focal Length: 39.5 mm
Aperture: f/4.8
ISO 80
Location: At my Home- Chennai.
Time: 13:47:10
Photograph by Lemuel Paul.
Photograph by Lemuel Paul.
171. The First Flight...
The Baby crow failed to lift itself on the air, It slowly started to fall down. Luckily, it caught hold of the branches of the guava tree in my house and it was hanging there calling aloud for its parents help !!! TRY TRY UNTIL U SUCCEED WAS THE LESSON THE BABY CROW TAUGHT ME....
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Shutter speed: 1/60s
Focal Length: 12.1 mm
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO 80
Location: At my Home- Chennai.
Time: 10:29:03
Photograph by Lemuel Paul.