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Location: India

I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: Visit me at : . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'

Sunday, February 05, 2006

3. Glider Take Off - 1

Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
ISO: 80
Flash Used.
Picture cropped and resizes using Picasa.
Location: Hyderabad – Gachibowlli, Laxmi Enclave (near JNIDB) (Inside my Guest House)

Time: ~21:00 Hrs
Date: 28.08.2005

Photograph by: Lemuel Paul

Is this a Glider???? Which is on its wheels to take off???
If YES!! Then Cabin crews have to take their stations…. ;-)
If NOT!!!! Then…..This is probably a Moth, which looks similar to a small butterfly. It measures ~3 cms in length. I just managed to take a snap just the way you see it now, without disturbing it. This is the first time for me to have a closer look of a moth with its amazing flaps (antennas) and its scaring eyes. I then imagined how it would be to have a creature like this in an animated English movie as a character!!! (Just like Jurassic park or any other alien films)

This pic was shot when the moth was sitting on the wall.
I have few other closer views of this small creature. If you like to see more of these snaps, please mail me for those pics.

Please mail me your feedback and suggestions to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

2:54 AM  

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