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Location: India

I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: Visit me at : . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'

Friday, February 10, 2006

52. Waiting for a Partner

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1/1000s
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 80

Location: Kovalam Backwaters, Chennai
Time: 10:54:17 Hrs
Date: 30.10.2005

This was taken in a place called Kovalam which is approx 25 Kms from Chennai. Kovalam is a Beach very near to Mammallapuram (Mahabalipuram). But what you see is not the exact beach, this is the Backwaters, where fishermen used to fish as well as used to take salt. In some places along the backwater region Heaps of salt could be seen. But I located this girl all alone waiting for some one to take her to sail on this still and calm water palace.
Thought you would love to see some places in Chennai…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:57 AM  

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