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Location: India

I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: Visit me at : . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'

Sunday, February 12, 2006

67. Pleasant Visitor - II

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000

Location: Laxmi Enclave, Gachibowlli Hyderabad
Date: 25.10.2005

Guess me !!!! I too don’t know wht’s this… This was approx 5 cms in length, appearance of a butterfly, but the body was too different from a butterfly.
In fact I think, this small insect loves photographs being taken on it :-). After I took a picture of this, I took it and placed it out of my house, within 5 min it was again inside the room near me :-), I don’t know what it meant :-) Hope it was asking for more photographs


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

3:57 AM  

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