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Location: India

I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: Visit me at : . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

116. Labour Day -3

Tired...looking out for a sale...
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1/60s
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 80
Time: 17:58:42 Hrs
Date : 15.04.2006
Location: Marina Beach - Chennai

Poor Guy… found him selling some snacks in the Beach….and he suddenly knelt down as if he was tired… I guess he must be hired by some one or the other and after a day’s sale,
He will be parted with a small part of the Sale’s profit (or) He might be helping his parents to earn for their day’s living. I Guess, Hardly he would earn around 50 – 100 per day (exclusive of Profit). I found too many kids like him selling snacks there. Is it a kind of Child labour?? Can these kids be given education.??? Is it possible for youngsters like us to change the future India? Heart is heavy to see kids like them screened away from Education.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

9:12 AM  

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