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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

141. Fly with a Pelican

Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 40mm
Aperture: f/8.0
Location: Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary – Tamil Nadu

The picture quality may be rated on the lower end as the bird was flying very high;
I had to take a fully zoomed shot without a tripod, which resulted to a reduced picture quality.

Pelicans often use soaring flight and the altitude at which they fly is related to the warm thermal "updrafts" that form during the day.

Some Info on Pelicans:

Why do Brown Pelicans flap their pouch?
It’s a way of keeping cool, in the same way that a dog will pant.

Why do Pelicans quiver?
It helps with the metabolism of food.

How do young Pelicans learn how to fly?
Flying is instinctive for young Pelicans.

How do young Pelicans learn to catch fish?
Young Pelicans learn how to catch fish by copying adults. It takes time for them to become successful, but by adulthood they typically catch fish every two out of three attempts.

What is the call of a Pelican?
Young Pelicans screech loudly when on the nest and wanting food. By the time they reach one year old they become silent.


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