Lemuel Photography
About Me
- Name: Lemuel Paul
- Location: India
I am a very practical person. Calm but love to talk a lot.. I dont believe in superstition or luck. Everything comes out of Hardwork and continous effort without having the heart to give up. To view my entire collections, Click on the Archive Links Below. Write to me at: lemu_mcc@yahoo.co.in. Visit me at : www.geocities.com/lemu_mcc . I do Orkut with 'lemuel.paul'
Sunday, February 12, 2006
70. Blend...

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Picture cropped and resized using Picasa.
Tried to capture the Change of the Screen display when it goes from one frame to the next. Here you can see ‘Ntini’ and in the background the cricket ground, where the batsman is ready to face the next ball
Ntini’s image came as the first scene and the cricket ground came as the second following that. I just made an experiment to capture it when the screen display changes from one to another. No effects were added or no photo shop work has been done on this pic, except cropping and resizing.
67. Pleasant Visitor - II

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Location: Laxmi Enclave, Gachibowlli Hyderabad
Date: 25.10.2005
Guess me !!!! I too don’t know wht’s this… This was approx 5 cms in length, appearance of a butterfly, but the body was too different from a butterfly.
In fact I think, this small insect loves photographs being taken on it :-). After I took a picture of this, I took it and placed it out of my house, within 5 min it was again inside the room near me :-), I don’t know what it meant :-) Hope it was asking for more photographs
57. Eyes can convey a Message

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1/30 s
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO 125
Location: My Home, Indira Nagar
Time: 20:52:29
It was raining the day when I took this snap, this poor little bird, had no other go other than to take some shelter in the portico of my house. It was shivering and the way it moved its eyes…. I cud feel that it was tensed when I approached it to have a click. How great are the creator’s hands!!!!!!!
Friday, February 10, 2006
54. I wanna Fly

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 40mm
Shutter speed: 1/400s
Aperture: f/4.8
ISO 80
Location: Laxmi Enclave, Gachibowlli
Time: 12-11-2005; 09:05:13
A Baby crow…waiting for its day to fly on its own and explore the world….
All Good things will happen in God’s own good/sweet time …
Till then we have to wait/prepare/tune ourselves to accept and face the new gift of challenge to fly on our own. If you wanna fly…..wait until u get tuned for it….. All the best for your day to fly on ur own :-) and reach the pinnacle…
53. Not near you anymore

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
You mind your way, I go my way…. We are to take different routes henceforth….. was their conclusion to their argument. How hard it is to lose someone who is near and dear to you!!!
Keep them close, never fight!!! They worth “The all” for you, you worth everything for them J
If you have/are in fought/fight with your dear one or any of your friends… Just go and make it up today itself... they would love to hear from you.
52. Waiting for a Partner

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1/1000s
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 80
Location: Kovalam Backwaters, Chennai
Time: 10:54:17 Hrs
Date: 30.10.2005
This was taken in a place called Kovalam which is approx 25 Kms from Chennai. Kovalam is a Beach very near to Mammallapuram (Mahabalipuram). But what you see is not the exact beach, this is the Backwaters, where fishermen used to fish as well as used to take salt. In some places along the backwater region Heaps of salt could be seen. But I located this girl all alone waiting for some one to take her to sail on this still and calm water palace.
Thought you would love to see some places in Chennai…
46. Tricolor - I

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1.0 s
Aperture: f/3.5
Location: From Bagmathi Boat, Focus was on the Reflection of the Street Lights on the Lake water
along the road that’s from Secunderabad – Hussain Sagar (Probably the Tank Bund road) -
Secunderabad - Andra Pradesh, India
Time: Evening around 6:30
Do you see our tricolor on the reflection?? This is the first time I ever noticed it. Have you?? Was that lighting made on purpose???
45. Too many wrinkles for the old man

Photograph by Lemuel Paul
Date: 28 Oct 2005
You might be wondering what this cud be. This is Nagarjuna Sagar Dam which is in Andhra Pradesh - ~150 Kms from Hyderabad.
This is the Aerial View of the Same River Krishna just near & very close to Nagarjuna Dam. I could not focus it clearly because the journey was against the Sun.
What a beauty to see the mountains and its multiple Folds (seems as if these mountains are too old to get too many wrinkles on their face ;-)), which it has. The spots are due to dirt on the window.
42. My Job has come to an End

Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 0.8s
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 80
Location: River Krishna, Nagarjuna Dam – Andhra Pradesh - ~150 Kms from Hyderabad.
Time: 18:12:58 Hrs
Date: 23.10.2005
The Day is over and has come to an end. My job has been completed for the day and has come to an end on your side (India) - says the Sun.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
39. On your mark- Be Alert - Execute

Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 40mm
Shutter speed: 1/320s
Aperture: f/4.8
ISO: 80
Location: Laxmi Enclave, Gachibowlli Hyderabad
Time: 08:19:28 Hrs
Date: 17.10.2005
The small, shy and a superb creature just on its feet to shy away from my camera after sensing that I am on my fingers to click it.
37. Moon Struck...

Camera: Olympus C-7000
Focal Length: 8mm
Shutter speed: 1/30s
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 125
Location: Tambaram, Chennai
Time: 20:57:02 Hrs
Date: 16.10.2005
Moon was sooo Bright on this day… Very glamorous and attractive. This is a view from Chennai, the sky was clear. Took it by sitting under a plant. No tripod used.
36. Team Work...Joint Hands

Camera: C7000
Location: Chennai, these 2 cats were sleeping like this on the compound wall in one of our neighbor’s house
These 2 cats feel good to each other when they are together. Let’s too join hands in bringing the team in an effective way for the best outcomes.
But don’t sleep like these cats do…
Motive of this picture: To convey that always team outcomes are best and excellent compared to Single output.